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SNPA partial clone, experts adjustments please.

PostPosted: Monday Oct 29, 2012 9:03 am
by Damn
Ok. Damn the worrier here.

Just trying to find a simple partial/extract that works and I'll forever keep my silence (on SNPA's that is), sorry to choke up the forum with SNPA queries. I know there is many, many more good Beers out there.
Here is a recipe I've gleaned from

and made a recipe based on this info..."For the extract version just use Light DME or liquid in place of the two row until you reach the correct original gravity"

So based on another recipe further into the same forum (search for coopers) I've come up with this. (I also may of found this in similar form elsewhere).
A couple of questions.

The Coopers LLME & LDME are substitute for 111.50 lbs. Pale Malt(2-row) America 1.036 2

1. Is the coopers malts the correct substitution for the Pale Malt? (see northernbrewer recipe)
2. Do I put the LLME in at the start of the Boil or end?
3. I will put the LDME in at the start of the boil as that is how I've done it in the past.

3kgs Coopers Liquid Light Malt Extract
.45kgs Coopers Light Dry Malt Extract

.45kgs 60L Crystal Malt Briess caramel
14g Magnum @60min
14g Perle @30min
28g Cascad @10min
56g Cascad @0
Yeast S-05, US-56, 1056 or WL001

Re: SNPA partial clone, experts adjustments please.

PostPosted: Monday Oct 29, 2012 9:11 am
by Bum
Are you boiling full volume or something like a 5L boil? The recipe you have looks like it is set up for full volume so it wants all the fermentables in the boil but if you're doing a small boil then just put in enough to get it to the same gravity (or 1.040, both should work).

I gotta say that seems like maybe a bit too much crystal for a straight extract beer. Maybe consider subbing some of the LDME for some dextrose.

Re: SNPA partial clone, experts adjustments please.

PostPosted: Monday Oct 29, 2012 10:20 am
by Damn
12L boil after partial mash.
To make 20L at end.

Re: SNPA partial clone, experts adjustments please.

PostPosted: Monday Oct 29, 2012 9:47 pm
by Bum
In that case I definitely wouldn't put all the fermentables in the boil. Maybe to wards the end to sanitise if you're feeling paranoid - I never did this when I was brewing kits/extract/partials but lots of people do.