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Bizier's Cuboard Light-Rauch

PostPosted: Friday Jan 30, 2009 8:57 pm
by Bizier
I brewed this because I had a Coopers Lager Kit and and wanted to get rid of it, and decided to add anything suitable that I had that was slightly German-ish.

My efficiency is awesome on this because I basically made it flour (ahhh... Porkert) and the recipe was designed to be 19L at 1.036, in brewing I accidentally topped to 23L and got 1.035.. which is pretty close for a partial+kit recipe with a 7L boil.

Caraaroma 0.10 kg, Grain, Mashed
Carahell 0.10 kg, Grain, Mashed
Rauch malt 0.24 kg, Grain, Mashed
TFFM Maris Otter 0.50 kg, Grain, Mashed
Coopers Lager Can 1.70 kg, Extract, Extract
Coopers Lager Can Bitterness
Hersbrucker 29.00 g, Pellet, 15 minutes
American Ale yeast 1.00 unit, Yeast, 12g US05

OG 1.035 FG 1.010
Approx ABV 3.24%

This is not nearly a Bamburg Rauch like Schlenker Märzen, but it is a clean and crisp beer that is surprisingly good in this hot weather. And you would guess it to be maybe 4.5 abv at the least, it is only very slightly watery and not at all if you consider some major swill.
If anyone decides to brew this, you might want to up the malt or drop the volume to compensate for my surprisingly high efficiency.

I think that this is the best beer I have brewed with a kit, hands down. It also made space in my cupboard.

ED: Fermented 2 weeks at 17 deg C - fined w/gelatine
I think I added a half whirlfloc tab and a pinch of nutrient as well... but didn't record it.
