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PostPosted: Sunday Sep 28, 2008 5:07 pm
by Andy - Go Hawks!
Hello all'
I am lucky enough to have in my garden Pear,Apple,Plum and Lemon trees and so want to make different alcoholic fruit based drinks.
After a few sherberts too many at the MCG yesterday (What a great win by the Hawks! :D :D :D ) it was suggested that I freshen up my alcoholic lemonades by adding Vanilla.
The pods whilst better than essence are proportionally more expensive - have any of you guys tried either Vanilla Pod or Vanilla essence in your brewing and if so what came out best?
Also does anyone know how much essence reflects the taste of a pod?
I was planning to add Vanilla to a "scrumpy" type cider and to my Pear cider brews so any help would be appreciated.


Re: Vanilla

PostPosted: Sunday Sep 28, 2008 11:27 pm
by KEG
try a droplet of good vanilla essence in a glass of your cider to see if you'd like it first i reckon. i doubt the fermentation would affect the flavour much (other than scrub it out a bit), so it should be reasonably similar.

Re: Vanilla

PostPosted: Monday Sep 29, 2008 7:04 pm
by Andy - Go Hawks!
Cheers Keg,thats kinda what I was thinking. I didn't want the beverages TOO Vanilla based as I think they may be too sickly after a couple.
Ive got a couple of Mercury in the fridge so I will give it a shot tonight.
Just in the name of research you understand...... :wink:



Re: Vanilla

PostPosted: Tuesday Nov 11, 2008 9:57 pm
by matr
Andy, Late reply but yes I have tried a vanilla bean in a honey wheat beer. Cut & steeped for 20mins??? I think.

Honey flavour was strong but not a hint of the vanilla. Waste of the $3 I paid for it i rekon.

I was thinking of going the essence so let me know how you go.

Oh and yeah, Hawthorn you f'in beauty!!!!