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Imperial & Metric cups

PostPosted: Friday Feb 12, 2010 10:31 am
by Anna
Imperial - what? Cup? Can't you have a metric cup?

I'll try it with my next cider (got one on at the moment with 500 gm lactose). Do I now qualify as a "Research Assistant"? :mrgreen:

(mod note: This started over in this thread, but moved well off to its own topic. )

Re: Splenda sweetener

PostPosted: Friday Feb 12, 2010 10:34 am
by Anna
BTW guys: Doc, if I ever get to meet you I'll be quite disappointed if you don't actually look like Homer Simpson!

And Warra: Ditto Maxwell Smart. :wink:

Re: Splenda sweetener

PostPosted: Friday Feb 12, 2010 11:14 am
by drsmurto
Am i a yellow, balding, fat man? Ah, no.

Both the cup and teaspoon measurement are imperial.

L, mL, g are metric.

Re: Splenda sweetener

PostPosted: Friday Feb 12, 2010 12:46 pm
by Anna
Yeah I know that, but can't you have a metric cup and metric teaspoon? :wink: (glad you're not yellow!)

Re: Splenda sweetener

PostPosted: Friday Feb 12, 2010 1:15 pm
by drsmurto

A cup of flour doesn't weigh the same as a cup of sugar.

So as a measurement its not scientific (IMHO) :lol:

Re: Splenda sweetener

PostPosted: Friday Feb 12, 2010 1:57 pm
by Anna
But what about liquids? I know I'm being difficult, but I have a measuring jug which has markers on it that say 240 ml / 1 cup. So isn't that a "metric cup"?

Re: Splenda sweetener

PostPosted: Friday Feb 12, 2010 4:32 pm
by warra48
Anna wrote:But what about liquids? I know I'm being difficult, but I have a measuring jug which has markers on it that say 240 ml / 1 cup. So isn't that a "metric cup"?

Not really. It's an approximate equivalent. Not all cups are the same size nor are they all 240 ml.
However, 240 ml is always 240 ml !

Re: Splenda sweetener

PostPosted: Friday Feb 12, 2010 6:09 pm
by Bum
Not disagreeing with anyone's distinctions above but yes, Anna, there are what is referred to as metric and imperial cup and tablespoon measurements. Metric cup = 250ml, imperial = 200ml (yes, I know that is a metric measurement). Metric tablespoon = 20ml, imperial = 15ml (again, I know). Sure, this doesn't mean either is metric or imperial but that is what they are frequently referred to as.