please help

The ins and outs of putting your beer into kegs.

please help

Postby boomkey » Tuesday Apr 25, 2006 9:17 am

just bought hubby a keg kit
we've put the brew in the keg last night and it's nice and cold but we not sure how to gas it, it's all been put together the right way but what pressure do we put the gas on and when can we drink it? :?
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Postby Hillbilly » Tuesday Apr 25, 2006 10:24 am

Gas it with say 100 KPA and lift the pressure relief valve for a few seconds to replace the trapped air inside with co2, then chill it in the fridge overnight, then you can carbonate it at 220 KPA for 2 to three days depending on how much gas/bubbles you want in it, after that turn it down to 100 KPA and she's ready to drink. I like to leave the gas on 100 KPA from there on it keeps the carbonation up to where it skould be and is the right pouring pressure if you have a good balanced system.
Hope this helps,
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Postby brewtaster » Tuesday Apr 25, 2006 11:13 pm

if your in a hurry and the beer is already chilled just give the keg 300kpa and shake for 1 minute you will hear the gas going into the liquid just like the old soda stream bottles then let it sit fo 15 min then try this will be fine

i only ever force carbonate like this as i don`t like the idea of leaving the bottle on at higher pressure for days on end
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Postby Shaun » Wednesday Apr 26, 2006 8:28 pm

Have a read of the sticky on carbonating kegs.

I recomend force carbonating quickly not leaving it over a couple of days.
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