Carpet Cleaning and Corny Kegs!!

The ins and outs of putting your beer into kegs.

Carpet Cleaning and Corny Kegs!!

Postby Earl Hickey » Friday Mar 02, 2007 3:54 pm

Hi All

I don't post all that often, but today I have witnessed something disturbing and I have to vent...

We had our carpet cleaned at home today to get rid of 3 years of toddler filth. The guy comes and starts spraying all the bad spots in the carpet (there's heaps). He's spraying out of a pressurised shiny looking cylindrical container. I do a double take....and then a triple take, before saying "hey mate, is that a beer keg you are using to clean my carpet". :shock: He nodded and I say, "You gotta be kidding man, can't you find something else to use??? I mean, it's a f&^%ing beer keg man. You can't clean carpet with a beer keg". Sacrilege I say!!!

Looked like he had pressured it up before he arrived then dispensed the cleaner stuff through a hand held wand type thingo. Never seen it before and I am deeply troubled.
I'm Just tryin t'be a better person
Earl Hickey
Posts: 14
Joined: Wednesday Aug 23, 2006 4:00 pm

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