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dip tube length

PostPosted: Friday Sep 19, 2008 6:41 pm
by sidman
does anybody cut thier beer out dip tube so that any sediment gets left behind in the keg mine are about 3 mil from the bottom of the keg so would cutting 5 mil off get you clearer beer ,any help please

Re: dip tube length

PostPosted: Saturday Sep 20, 2008 7:08 am
by Biernut
Yes if you are filtering or not cut 25mm off the end of the dip tube of your racking keg. This will ensure that hop debris and trub get left behind. You will only lose less than a cupfull of beer


Re: dip tube length

PostPosted: Sunday Sep 21, 2008 5:36 pm
by Tipsy
I've left mine the full length and have found only the first and maybe the second glass is cloudy, I close my eyes while drinking these.

But as Biernut reckons you only lose less than a cupfull, go for it

Re: dip tube length

PostPosted: Monday Sep 22, 2008 10:33 am
by drsmurto
Wasting beer?

Sacrilege! :x

Re: dip tube length

PostPosted: Monday Sep 22, 2008 12:10 pm
by regan
i cut about 10mm off all mine, best thing i ever did. after the beer goes in the keg i give it just a little gas and burp it, i let it sit in the fridge for half a week, then i carb it up and i have had nothing but beuitifull clear beer without filtration since. the only waste i see in the empty keg is hops and yeast... nothing that you want a full glass of.

Re: dip tube length

PostPosted: Tuesday Sep 23, 2008 6:42 pm
by MattyR
who cares about a bit of cloud.You can drink it.Like the doctor I agree,wasting beer.

Re: dip tube length

PostPosted: Wednesday Sep 24, 2008 4:19 am
by regan
hard to tell what the waste really is. when some brew snob has a go, but decides before tasting it that it dosent taste good becuase it dosent look right and then dosent have more then 2 sips thus wasting 90% of a glass... or if it was just a waste giving that fool beer in the first place.
those idiots dont winge now and can appreciate a good brew nice and bright.

its about the same as rolling a coopers bottle before opening. i choose not to, but alot do. i also choose not to stick my tounge in and lick the yeast in the neck after i have consumed every drop, but if you really want to taste the yeast and not waste any beer related substance then by all means go for it.

another method for you non wasters might be to give your trub a gentle stir before keging it, theres bound to be some drinkable liquid in all that.

i think i will stop now :P

Re: dip tube length

PostPosted: Thursday Sep 25, 2008 10:34 am
by drsmurto
Cold condition BEFORE it goes into the keg.

Zero wastage and no need to modify any equipment.

Re: dip tube length

PostPosted: Thursday Sep 25, 2008 11:27 am
by regan
that would require an extra step and another fridge. the truth is im lazy and that is not very high on my list of brewing equipment upgrades.

honestly its less then (pi r2h) 3.14*100*1cm=314ml
the tube was inside the tiny dimple reservoir (5mm give or take deep) so lets half that = 157ml
and the dome base would reduce the volume by at a guess by atleast 1/4?

Re: dip tube length

PostPosted: Thursday Sep 25, 2008 12:46 pm
by drsmurto
I'm lazy, hence why i cant be arsed cutting the end of my tube off...... :shock:

And even if you dont cc, racking and let it sit in secondary for 2 weeks at ambient temps will still clear your beer up, wont be bright beer, but wont be torrens water either.

Re: dip tube length

PostPosted: Thursday Sep 25, 2008 1:27 pm
by Longwood-65
Only New to Kegging, ( just started drinking the 3rd.)
I won't be cutting my Tube down.
I may waste a little but hey there is a bit there.

When I brew I have the Fermenter Leaning back from the tap, when ready to keg, I'll pour a small glass to clear the Tap, Pour a stubbie full to try ( incase there are still a few floaties around the tap) fill the keg and bottle the remainder. I don't get to much sediment in the beer to start with this way.

The first keg was fairly cloudy for the first few glasses but did clear up nicely from about 1/2 way through,( but I was an eager beaver on this keg). It's still sealed won't remove the pressure till ready to use it again.
The 2nd was only a little bit cloudy on the first couple of glasses before it cleared. ( emptied it last night )
The 3rd appears to be working like the 2nd, Only a little bit cloudy ( but hasn't properly carbed up yet.)Tonight is only a few hours away :D .

I wouldn't bother it appears the more you drink the clearer it gets.
