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Old Coopers' kits

PostPosted: Friday May 07, 2010 1:13 pm
by Anna
Just a word of warning for Coopers' PA kit lovers! I've been checking dates on the PA cans that I've been buying lately and I can't seem to find any with Best Before dates later than April 2011. The expert at Coopers classes this as "old", as apparently the extract is canned 2 years prior to the BB dates. He said that may be the cause of the "too sweet" problems I've been having lately (I think Dr Smurto suggested this too some time ago). I've tried 2 Woolworths and a Coles in different suburbs and all the PA's are the same. All their other kits have BB dates well into 2012.

I can only imagine that PA is so popular that people are raking through the shelves and taking the fresher kits. Couldn't possibly be because the PA isn't selling!! :?
