The Best beer you ever had

The good, the bad and the ugly of commercial beer and breweries, including microbreweries and craft breweries.

The Best beer you ever had

Postby Dogger Dan » Thursday Jun 16, 2005 7:00 am


Time for a wander down memory road

What was the best beer you had, not just taste but the best beer. As I mentioned earlier, I had some beers in Mexico that were the Cats' and I can't even remember what they were, simply because of the ambience and the way the were served.

I once had a few cold ones that I had chilled off in the Pacific Ocean (Northern Part) and the were really good, especially with the crabs and beach fire.

Again, I had a few cans that were just the best because of the whole situation surrounding them. So tell me, what was your best beer, and none of this the last one or the one I am about to have.

"Listening to someone who brews their own beer is like listening to a religous fanatic talk about the day he saw the light" Ross Murray, Montreal Gazette
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Postby Terry » Thursday Jun 16, 2005 9:01 am

Back in my Army days I was sent to Bougainville, PNG, for a couple of months. Because we were on operations it was 'dry' however there were people from the local communities that were employed to do jobs around the camp - washing, some of the motor mechanics etc. These people being the friendly and generous people that they are occaisionally invited some of us out to their villiage for BBQ's and other local delicasies. We bring most of the food, except the seafood which they catch themselves. Because we couldn't just go and buy a case of beer, we would chip in and one of the local lads would get one for us. So the scene was now set - a tropical island, a nice little seaside villiage, some of the local seafood, BBQ and a couple of cans each of the local brew (not the jungle juice, that stuff was really rank) I think it was called Pacific Draught or something like that. It came in little 330mL cans and because it was such a rarity it was nectar and made for a great afternoon with some of the locals.
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Postby Oliver » Thursday Jun 16, 2005 11:44 am

In 1999, my then girlfriend, Tracy, and I went for a trip to Italy. While we were there we took a not-so-short detour to Prague.

It was quite warm, and after a hard morning of walking around the old town (which some of you might know is up a big hill) we decided it was time for lunch.

We stopped at a little place in the old town, which happened to be the very building where former US secretary of state Madelein Albright spent some of her childhood.. I ordered a beer. It was either a Pilsner Urquell or Budweiser Budvar. On tap.

When it arrived I took one sip and proclaimed to Tracy that "this is the best beer I've ever had".

It was probably a combination of being bloody thirsty, hot, in Prague and being presented with a magnificent pilsner that prompted me to make the "best beer ever" call.

But perhaps it was the best beer I've ever had.


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Postby munkey » Thursday Jun 16, 2005 11:58 pm

this is a bit crappy compaired to your stoarys, but hear goes.

when ever i go into a new pub i always try the difforent brews or cask conditioned brews, i was in a pub about a mile away from my house, was out on the piss and got ejected from the club we were in, whilst my friends slowely emerged to come find me we went in this little pub over the road. ware i bougt a cask conditioned scottich ale/ipa. it was absolutly lush, smooth creamy, not too gassy, but refreshing, flowery and fruty, but equaly bitter and perfectly ballenced, 5 pints later and still a great pint.

its my holy grail, and hopefully my signiture brew, gonna perfect it and tweek some other flavores into it to see how it copes with it.
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Postby munkey » Thursday Jun 16, 2005 11:59 pm

got carryed away there, its called duchars by the way and its an ipa brewed in scotland.
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Postby anti-fsck » Friday Jun 17, 2005 12:24 am

Sitting near a busy road intersection during a tropical deluge in Nha Trang, Vietnam, drinking a jug of cold pils-style street beer that cost less than $1 a litre. And then ordering more.
A close second is a bottle of Canon beer I bought in, I think, Hyderabad, India. It was probably 42 degrees in the shade and the bottle was cold as.
The third is the pale ale I just downed. But I'm a man for the moment.
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Postby gregb » Friday Jun 17, 2005 6:08 pm

It's a tough one Dogger, but after careful consideration it is probably the beer I had on the afternoon that I flew my first solo aerobatics sortie. I don't remember the beer, (but it was probably a Coopers homebrew) but I will never forget that day.

There are a number of others, but I wont bore y'all with them.

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Postby r.magnay » Saturday Jun 18, 2005 6:53 am

A few years ago I worked underground in a gold/copper mine, the last day I was there the shift boss had a barbie at his house and he, being an ex South Aussie, had developed a taste for Southwark Premium. He had an esky full and iced, and even the anti Southwark blokes had a go and loved it. I was always a bit keen on it but generally only had one or two with a meal if I was lucky enough to get to a restaraunt, but it was a good drop at the time. It may not have been the best beer I ever drank, but it is one I remember, and keep in mind some of us are a little more senior than others so we have to cast our minds a lot further back!
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Postby Oliver » Saturday Jun 18, 2005 10:52 am

Contrary to popular rumour, Southwark does brew two good beers: Southwark Premium, as described above, and Southwark Old Stout (7.4%).

But the rest I wouldn't touch.

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The Best beer you ever had

Postby Wayne » Saturday Jun 18, 2005 11:35 am

A simple answer, the best beer you have ever had, is the one you have just finished. The beer you most want to drink is the next one.

Postby Dogger Dan » Saturday Jun 18, 2005 10:46 pm

Good For you for reading the post there Wayne :wink:


"Listening to someone who brews their own beer is like listening to a religous fanatic talk about the day he saw the light" Ross Murray, Montreal Gazette
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Postby grabman » Saturday Jun 18, 2005 11:59 pm

now I know it's a crap beer, so bad they don't even make it anymore but at the the time the best beer I ever had was a Swan Premium Lager. Wait don't shoot me yet, there's a reason.

Many moons ago now I was in the army, during initial training at Duntroon beer was a distinct no no!! We had been three weeks at Duntroon, then Madura range for six weeks, followed by another few weeks at Duntroon before we got leave :!: Long time without a beer. On first leave pass a few of the WA boys decided we needed a beer from home, keep in mind this was Canberra in 1988! The only beer from WA we could find was the Premium, so we drank it and at the time is was bloody great!
Shame of it is we were after either Swan Lager or Emu Export! Neither of which are much good anyway, but hey we were young and away from home.

Next problem I had was a injuring my knee and being med discharged, but that's another story!!
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Postby Dogger Dan » Sunday Jun 19, 2005 10:26 am


I had a beer, don't even know what it was .

We had finished the last excercise of Basic Training, been up all night, yada, yada, yada, anyone who has been there knows what I am on about

We hadn't eaten in days, let alone a warm meal and of course everyone left standing at this point passed the course, down to the short strokes we were. We were digging deep not knowing when it would end.

Well we rushed this small basin, guns a blazing and charged out the other side to find......................................................................................................... BBQ with steaks, baked potatoe, all the fixings, and.......................................Yes, you know it, a bunch of cold beers, the game was over and we had passed.

To this day I have no idea what type of beer it was, but I cried when I drank that beer, nothing, even to this day, has ever tasted so good. Could have been Bud. (wasn't)

"Listening to someone who brews their own beer is like listening to a religous fanatic talk about the day he saw the light" Ross Murray, Montreal Gazette
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Postby gregb » Sunday Jun 19, 2005 11:18 am

I think that forcing the troops to drink Bud is on the 'naughty list' under the Geneva convention. :wink:

Also, :shock:, Dogger, that's now three best beers you've ever had.

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Postby Beach Bum » Friday Jun 24, 2005 3:43 pm

Sitting at a beach front restaurant in Phuket on my honeymoon with the sand between my toes and some of the best Thai food I've ever eaten - washed down with many many cold stubbies of Singha (complete with holders).
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Postby tommo » Friday Jun 24, 2005 6:40 pm

Mine also was with my arse parked on a beach.

Left for the UK at 22yrs and duly met my er indoors

Got thoroughly embarassing on Tennents Super Lager ( WORST BEER )

So to make up for said embarassing episode i took er to Portugal.

On a beach in Albufeira, so far removed from western NSW. After a bloody brilliant day i had my best beer ever.

dunno the name tho'

i like em fruity
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Postby phile » Wednesday Jun 29, 2005 7:25 pm

nothing like a couple of Speight's Old Darks after a hard day's skiing in NZ...
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Postby Tyberious Funk » Wednesday Jul 13, 2005 11:28 am

Oliver wrote:In 1999, my then girlfriend, Tracy, and I went for a trip to Italy. While we were there we took a not-so-short detour to Prague.

As mentioned in a previous post, a recent trip to Prague is what has got me into homebrewing.

After ariving by train, we got lost trying to find our hotel. Although it was spring, a warm snap had hit Prague and it was quite mild. By the time we finally found our hotel and settled in, I was hot, thirsty and a little bit grumpy.

We wandered down to a small restaurant and proceeded to have one of the best meals I've ever enjoyed, washed down with mugs of Pilsner Urquell. The entire evening cost less than $50 for three of us.*

* Including 500ml mugs of Pilsner that cost less than a dollar each. It brings a tear to my eye just thinking about it.
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Postby Oliver » Thursday Jul 14, 2005 12:28 am

Tyberious Funk wrote:We wandered down to a small restaurant and proceeded to have one of the best meals I've ever enjoyed, washed down with mugs of Pilsner Urquell. The entire evening cost less than $50 for three of us.*

* Including 500ml mugs of Pilsner that cost less than a dollar each. It brings a tear to my eye just thinking about it.

Another thing that makes you cry is that apparently there's a "locals' economy" (in which the locals get charged regular price) and a "tourists' economy" (in which tourists are sold everything for an inflated price).

Just think about how cheap it would have been if you were a local :D :cry:


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Postby Wimmig » Friday Aug 19, 2005 11:11 am

I am entering Schneider & Son's "Aventinus".
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