help with a new .sig file please

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help with a new .sig file please

Postby peterd » Thursday Jul 14, 2005 11:55 am

Time I changed my .sig.

Thinking of something along the lines of
"Give a man a beer and he drinks today, teach him how to brew and ... ".

Need some help to finish it off.

Options so far hold limited appeal, but include

the obvious ("he drinks forever")
"he sits around the house pissed most of the time"
"he doesn't seem to be able to get it up any more"
"he seems to spend all his time out in the shed, and we never seem to talk anymore"

Please feel free to add (or change the gender if you haven't yet got over that whole tired gender PC thing). But expect only limited credit if you come up with a good one: we have some pretty damned aggressive IP lawyers here at work :-) just as likely I will use it, and we will end up suing you for daring to claim that you thought of it in the first place :-) I just LOVE lawyers (with apologies to Geoff) )

Sometimes I sits and drinks, and sometimes I just sits
(with apologies to Satchel Paige)
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Location: Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia

Postby Oliver » Thursday Jul 14, 2005 12:42 pm


I like ... he seems to spend all his time out in the shed, and we never seem to talk anymore

Or a slight modification:

Give a man a VB and he drinks today, teach him how to brew and he helps send CUB broke.

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Postby nanna Gail » Thursday Jul 14, 2005 4:20 pm

"Give a man a beer and he drinks today, teach him how to brew and ... ".

he will experience ELATION, (damn that was a great brew) DISAPPOINTMENT.(what the F--- did I do wrong) PATIENCE, (how many weeks till the brew is ready to drink) WONDER (how can anyone drink the commercial stuff) and CONFUSION (where are my brew notes)
enjoy life
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Postby peterd » Friday Jul 15, 2005 3:27 pm

How about this

"Give a man a beer and he drinks today, teach him how to brew and ...

he sits around pining for the days when people used to give him beer, rather than expecting him to get off his fat arse and brew his own".

Sometimes I sits and drinks, and sometimes I just sits
(with apologies to Satchel Paige)
Posts: 238
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Location: Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia

Postby Dogger Dan » Friday Jul 15, 2005 9:44 pm

"he will drink lagers or ales"

"Listening to someone who brews their own beer is like listening to a religous fanatic talk about the day he saw the light" Ross Murray, Montreal Gazette
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Postby tommo » Saturday Jul 16, 2005 4:43 pm

" he'll bore every poor bastard to death about how much better his beer is than the commercial piss they drink "

too long :?:
i like em fruity
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