Beer Glasses

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Postby Antsvb » Tuesday May 17, 2005 9:10 am


also the second pour out of a longneck being cloudy

Only ever pour my longnecks into a jug for this reason.
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Postby sago » Tuesday May 17, 2005 10:53 am

Worry not not o concerned brethren.
The steins are all ceramic but they do have tin or pewter lids.
I do remember having a pewter pint pot when in the Old Dart with a glass bottom.This was so you could see if anyone was cheating at dominoes or fondling your girlie when you needed to drink.Don't know if the lead content in the pewter had any side effects anyway.
I guess if it did I can always retire to Tassie.
Received one of the "steins" which is truly a thing of beauty but is too small to drink beer from.It only holds about 250ml so I guess it will be used as a port glass.
Two others are 500ml so they will be fine.
"Had to get two as I now have grown another head but I'm sure it had nothing to do with the pewter pint pot!!!!"
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Postby Dogger Dan » Tuesday May 17, 2005 11:08 am

The glass bottom was to see if the press gang had dropped the coin in your glass and was about to drag you off to sea if you drank it.

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Postby the Baron » Wednesday Jun 08, 2005 4:41 pm

I have had my current beer mug for 3 years and have never washed it, however last night I left it with some thick stout in it that had left a sticky mess (plus the glass hasn't appeared as transparent as it was when I first got it for about the last year) so I decided to give it a clean. I just used straight bi-carbonate of soda rubbed about with a cloth, not sure if this makes beers flat but my mum uses it to clean her good glasses and get the stains out of her tea cups and I must admit it made my mug sparkle.
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