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Re: 2008 Great Intercontinental Pub Crawl

PostPosted: Friday May 30, 2008 9:28 am
by Pyssedas Heavy Industrial
Twas the night before Pub Crawl, and all through the land,
All the brewers were brewing, to meet growing demand.
All the t-shirts were printed, the almanacs sent,
The ficus leaves shined, and the monkeys all kempt.

But there was one little crawler, who was snoring in bed,
She moaned and she groaned, and she held her sore head.
She’d been out boozing, causing trouble and strife,
And that little crawler was my own darling wife.

But let us move on, for I’m afraid I digress,
If I stay on this topic it’ll end in a mess.
Let me remark, that it’s not yet too late,
To join in the crawl, your fun will be great!

If you’re in Melbourne, to join us on the bus,
Just send us an email, there’s really no fuss.
If you’re not in that town, to get your name on our list,
Just drop us a line, to say where you’ll get pyssed.

Yesterday we were proud to welcome Daylesford and Vienna,
If I run short of cash, will you lend me a tenner?
Okay that’s a sign, that this poem’s got lame,
I’ll make a real effort to lift up my game.

A thanks to all forums, on which we have posted,
Except “Beer Advocate”, who don’t deserve to be hosted.
So for tomorrow, I wish you all the best cheer,
I don’t know about you, but I could murder a beer!

As ever more information is over at our little forum:

Re: 2008 Great Intercontinental Pub Crawl

PostPosted: Monday Jun 02, 2008 11:18 am
by Pyssedas Heavy Industrial
Hi Everyone, just a quick note to congratulate everyone who successfully crawled on the weekend.

Last minute additions to the crawl were Trier in Germany, 3 venues in Antarctica and a full list from Manila.

Initial early highlights were Korea’s fine effort of eating live octopus and being involved in an anti-Government rally, Melbourne’s success in twice leaving crawlers behind when the bus left, and Perth’s inability to move due to wild storms. This morning’s media is full of stories of the London Underground being shut down due to drinkers, but we are yet to locate any of the extended Pyssedas family who were involved.

Please post your stories and pictures on the forum -
For the enjoyment of others, and so that they can be included in the video and next years almanac!


Re: 2008 Great Intercontinental Pub Crawl

PostPosted: Friday Jan 18, 2013 8:16 pm
by Oliver

I realise that life for you has changed somewhat since 2008, now that you have a child and bowling club presidential duties, but we need closure. The Intercontinental Pub Crawl can't be allowed to just end without us crawlers having a chance for a final crawl and reminisce about crawls past.

What say we begin discussions now about a "Last Hurrah" Intercontinental Pub Crawl in 2014?

It must be done!


Re: 2008 Great Intercontinental Pub Crawl

PostPosted: Saturday Jan 19, 2013 8:20 am
by Mad Dog
If you crawl the Pacific Northwest, let me know.