Brewing courses in Sydney in July

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Brewing courses in Sydney in July

Postby costanzo » Thursday Jun 28, 2012 2:14 pm

Hi Brewers,
let me introduce myself.
My name is Vince Costanzo and for those that don't know me I have been involved with the brewing industry for close to 3 decades.
Currently I'm consulting to the microbrewing industry and also have been teaching how to brew to homebrewers and potential microbrewers.

I'd like to pass on some information regarding the upcoming short brewing courses in Sydney.
You have a choice of a one day or 4 day course which are suitable for those of you wanting to upgrade your skills in all grain brewing and more.
The one day course will give you an overview of brewing and also show you how to build your own home brewery in various configerations.
The 4 day course will expand on all the one day course covers plus give you a practical hands-on day in brewing alongside a microbrewer on a 500L system. You will also be shown the practical side of bottling, kegging and using a simple home filtration system for beer. If you've ever dreamt about running your own brewery this is a great chance to doing so for a day.

For a proven way to brew your beer in an easy and safe environment you will be amazed at the results you will achieve after completing either of the courses. You will be assured of this with a money back guarantee.
So discover what it takes to brew consistent beer of exceptional quality.
Join us in either of the courses on 14th July and 15-18th July at Cambelltown in Sydney.
For further details and enrolment see here,
Feel free to contact me should you have further queries.
Cheers :lol:
Posts: 6
Joined: Monday Mar 15, 2010 9:41 am

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