alternative search engin for when google just wont cut it

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alternative search engin for when google just wont cut it

Postby munkey » Friday Jun 03, 2005 9:06 am

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Postby munkey » Friday Jun 03, 2005 9:07 am

oh and my mate showed me it,
i never found it by myself.... :D
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Postby Dogger Dan » Friday Jun 03, 2005 9:47 am

So quick as a flash.............................., nothing happened

:cry: :cry: :lol:

"Listening to someone who brews their own beer is like listening to a religous fanatic talk about the day he saw the light" Ross Murray, Montreal Gazette
Dogger Dan
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Location: Lucan, Ontario, Canada

Note- NSFW

Postby guest » Friday Jun 03, 2005 10:21 am

this link should come with a NSFW- not suitable for work- tag.

be careful who's looking over your shoulder if you click it.

Postby Dogger Dan » Friday Jun 03, 2005 10:38 am

Yep, concur with NSFW

Nice touch there though Munkey. By the way, how did the move go?

"Listening to someone who brews their own beer is like listening to a religous fanatic talk about the day he saw the light" Ross Murray, Montreal Gazette
Dogger Dan
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Location: Lucan, Ontario, Canada

Postby munkey » Saturday Jun 04, 2005 2:03 am


phew one thing at a time, moveing in 3 weeks, just finished uni for the summer today, i feels a celobration comeing on, i had to practicaly put brewing on hold for a few weeks cos of my end of semester workload, but all is good now, just brewed up a ipa, (yes im still messing with that duchars recipy) put oats in it and the turb is almost white, hope i havent over done it.
but hay its tasting promacing after 4 days in prmary.
mustering up the suplys and knowlage for my wit adventures, trying to decide wether to just mash as normal or go for the double decoration tecneque?, however im thinking ill balls it up eather way. :lol: :lol:
maby do the first one single mash and the second decoration, so i can give the pepsi challenge,
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Postby Dogger Dan » Saturday Jun 04, 2005 10:09 am


If you do the challenge, let me know the results would you?. I am curious to see if it is worth while going the whole distance, being a single masher myself.


"Listening to someone who brews their own beer is like listening to a religous fanatic talk about the day he saw the light" Ross Murray, Montreal Gazette
Dogger Dan
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Location: Lucan, Ontario, Canada

Postby munkey » Sunday Jun 05, 2005 12:31 am


from what i gather it was mainly developed for poor quality malts, and its virtualy impossible to get malt that poor now, but the benofit in the case of the wit, is that some of the grains, ie oats and wheat, espechaly unmalted wheat, need there extra long protines twated, and there cells exploded to get at the starches easyer,
im thinking it may be more benofichal to just decorate the wheat and oats, because the lack of distatic power anyway will only be made worce by starting the protine rest with all the grains mixed and then drawing off the mash. this leaves me in a bit of a pickkle as you can probably see, and i think its catch 22 as they say.

oh and have you any idea of the bitterness rateing of curato orrange,
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Postby munkey » Sunday Jun 05, 2005 12:35 am

wait a second isnt this the genral discussion area....

may start a therd if i carnt get my head round it.
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