Boags draught recipe in progress need help.

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Boags draught recipe in progress need help.

Postby AidanMatthews » Monday Apr 18, 2011 9:13 pm

Hey guys,

One of my favourite daily drinkers is boags draught.

So far from the ne i have gathered info emailed from boags to brewers that consists of,
Mostly pale malt with crystal malts, and PoR early for bittering to 20ibu and PoR late.
Colour is 11 - 14 ebc.

When i taste boags and try and break down the flavour in my head, my head is saying
German pilsner yeast, i dont know why it jusr shares similar character for a lager.

So what does everyone else reckon?

What yeast for boags draught?

I also think its considerably more bitter than 20ibu, more like 30.
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Re: Boags draught recipe in progress need help.

Postby rotten » Monday Apr 18, 2011 9:45 pm

Boags is very clean and crisp to me, which is why I too like it. Been a while though. German Pilsener yeast sounds fair to me. I am yet to make a good lager, can't wait to get that ferment fridge going. Maybe the IBU is 'perceived bitterness'. If it is POR it would change my opinion of that hop. Two beers I actually buy these days still are Coopers Pale Ale, and Boags Draught.
Can't bring myself to buy VB or XXXX any more :oops:
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Re: Boags draught recipe in progress need help.

Postby Mentalist » Wednesday Apr 27, 2011 9:50 pm

I have a Clone for Boags Premium.. I use Wyeast 2042 Danish Lager in mine. ... .cfm?ID=28
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