Ok, new thread for this in its right home. For a background, see this thread
Credits go to Pixelboy, NTRabbit, Lethal, AussieClaret, Adzmax & Afromaiko. Here it is:
1. 1 can of Blackrock Whispering wheat. Or sub (1) and (2) for 3kg ESB wheat beer.
2. 1.5kg (can) of liquid wheat malt.
3. 250g dry wheat malt.
3. 30g coriander seeds cracked.
4. 20g dried orange rind from the Seville orange, only available in winter months. Grain and Grape can mail this rind to you all year. If you can't find it, do not use standard orange rind. Instead, dry out the peel of 2-3 mandarines.
5. 500g torrefied wheat (consider mashing this with 500g Malted Barley).
6. 3944 Belgian Witbier Yeast (Wyeast) or WLP400 (White Labs Belgian Wit).
7. Fuggles hops (14g).
8. East Kent Goldings hops (14g)
9. 2g Cumin seed (max).
1. In 2-3 litres of water, boil your goldings hops, crushed coriander seeds, Cumin and dried orange/mandarine rind. At the 5 minute mark, add the malt. At the 10 minute mark, add the Fuggles hops. After 5 more minutes remove from heat and let stand for 15 minutes.
2. Steep your torrefied wheat in 3 litres of water that has been slowly brought close to boiling point (but not boiling) for 30 minutes. See note below.
3. Wash the wheat through a grain sock and strain the liquid from the steeped wheat into a smaller pot and boil this liquid for a few minutes ON A LOW HEAT (it's mainly water but it will burn and congeal) - just to kill any nasties.
4. Strain the liquid from the boiled fermentables into your fermenter.
5. Add the boiled liquid from torrefied wheat to the fermenter.
6. Top up fermenter with COLD (I refrigerate as much water as I can the night before as your wort will be pretty hot at this point and needs cooling, particularly in summer).
7. Take your SG reading.
8. Add the yeast. Ideal pitch temp is around 22 degrees max.
The torrefied wheat sucks up alot of liquid, hence you will need to use about 3-4 litres per 500g. I'd even recommend doing this step the night before, as the freshly boiled water will murder your pitch temp, even with all the refrigerated cold water. At least that way you won't have to refrigerate as much.
Use Glucose or Dextrose for priming.