Specialty bottle shop

The good, the bad and the ugly of commercial beer and breweries, including microbreweries and craft breweries.

Specialty bottle shop

Postby hyjak » Saturday Apr 03, 2010 10:10 pm

Hey all
Had a chance to get into Hobart today to check out 'Cool Wine' a new 'boutique' bottle O in the heart of the city.
It was like christmas!! So many import beers to choose from that it was hard to narrow it down to just one!

Was talking to the owner and she (yes she!) was saying that at her last count she had nearly 200 different beers. :D :shock:
Suffice to say i was pretty impressed with the range, in the end i walked out with a bottle of 'DragonHead Stout' (which im drinking right now) and i must say it is a mighty fine drop indeed.
Will be trying to make a weekly visit to pick up a couple of new ones to try and i am really looking forward to doing so!!
The only disappointment i had was that they didn't have SNPA BUT i was the second person in 3 days to ask about it so they are on the hunt for the Australian distrubitor!
Anyone know who it is so i can pass the information on???

Will make some posts on the new beers as i work my way through the range

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Location: Hobart, Tas

Re: Specialty bottle shop

Postby Bum » Saturday Apr 03, 2010 11:44 pm

hyjak wrote:So many import beers to choose from that it was hard to narrow it down to just one!

Jez, sorry to tell you this but you're doing it wrong. If I walk out of a place like that without spending $100 I feel like I've wasted my time and SWMBO asks if I'm feeling okay.

As for SNPA, there isn't a way to buy SNPA through official channels here but I do understand that Acland Cellars in St Kilda (VIC) do sell Sierra Nevada beers to other retailers. Might be worth a call for her? It is worth pointing out that not every (not many, TBH) of the beers that arrive on out shores via the more than slightly dodgy methods used are in peak condition.
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Re: Specialty bottle shop

Postby hyjak » Sunday Apr 04, 2010 7:40 pm

Yes i did leave feeling deflated and very sad!
But i shall be back there this week to grab a few others, hmm thats a bugger about the SNPA.
Ah well maybe they will have some luck and get some from somewhere, hmm i would imagine the beers are not in their most pristine of condition due to the extensive shipping involved to land on our shores.
I am quite happy to test them all though despite that. :lol:
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Re: Specialty bottle shop

Postby Bum » Sunday Apr 04, 2010 8:48 pm

As far as I can tell the Porter fares very well. SNPA on the other hand - I'm 1 for 8 on those.

Oh yeah, it is critical to check the dates on these beers. Good idea for all imports but the dodgy import system on these almost ensures we only get old ones (via Europe).
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Re: Specialty bottle shop

Postby Snowdog » Tuesday Apr 06, 2010 11:07 am

I've had a good run on the SNPA I've got at 5th Element in Brisbane. The dates on them have been July 15 2010.
They have the Unibroue line as well, with mid 2010 dates. I'll be by there later this week & will ask who the distributor is.
Their Flyimg Dogs & Meantimes come from Innspire.
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Re: Specialty bottle shop

Postby hyjak » Wednesday Apr 07, 2010 9:27 pm

Cheers for that Snowdog, any info is greatly appreciated by me and the rest of the Tasmanian beer appreciating population. :mrgreen:

I am heading in tomorrow to grab a couple more, might pick their brain to see where they are getting most of the beers from.
No doubt it is from all over the place but you never know it might be one or two.

Ooohh i like Innspire, pity there is no Tassie stockist. Might have to make another suggestion tomorrow. :wink:
Give it a month and i'll be on first name basis with the owners!!! :lol:
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Re: Specialty bottle shop

Postby hyjak » Saturday Apr 10, 2010 7:02 pm

Got into the place today,
bought the following,
St. Ambroise, Biere Blonde Pale Ale
Samuel Smiths, India Ale
Samuel Smiths, Old Brewery Pale Ale
McChouffe, about all i can decipher off the label.

Have tried the St. Ambroise and whilst it is not bad it is not a mind blowing beer, i asked the guy in the shop for a recomendation to a 'hoppy and floral aroma pale ale' and he steered me towards this saying "i really like it and have been raving about it since trying".
Its not as on the nose as i was hoping for but has pleasant hop flavours in drinking and good body and a nice dark amber colour.

Samuel Smiths, Old Brewery Pale Ale
Nothing special, very similar to a number of local drops.

It's a stout and a mighty fine one at that!
Great aroma, tight creamy head and a flavour that hits between the eyes, then massages the same spot over and over!
Will be getting this one again.

Samuel Smiths India Ale
My first try of an 'Indian' so was unsure of what to expect.
First impression was 'hmm tasty', the impression lasted through out drinking.
Has a great bitterness to it that i really liked.

If anyone has tried any of these please feel free to post your thoughts too.
Oh and please excuse my amature critiques, i just want to share my thoughts and hopefully have some others chip in from time to time if they have tried any of the beers as well.
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Re: Specialty bottle shop

Postby hyjak » Saturday Jul 10, 2010 7:28 pm

Long time no visit to the shop or this site in fact!
Got given a gift voucher for 'coolwine' for my birthday a few weeks ago and finally got a chance to go in and spend it today!
So I bought a six pack of Van Dieman 'Stacks Bluff' which is a local 'hand-made' oatmeal stout.
Quite a nice drop too!
Also got a Van Dieman 'Giblin Stout', a Southern Tier IPA, a Emerson's 1812 India Pale Ale and a White Rabbit White Ale.

Oh and a Little Creatures single batch Brown Ale.

I'm really looking forward to trying them all, has been a while since i tried an new beers.
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Location: Hobart, Tas

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