Morning Magoo, my technique with Coopers is this:
1) Carefully poor out Coopers Sparkiling Ale into glass, leaving dregs in stubby. Replace cap. Drink beer.
2) Carefully poor out Coopers Sparkiling Ale into glass, pour dregs into the first stubby. Replace cap. Drink beer.
3) Carefully poor out Coopers Sparkiling Ale into glass, pour dregs into the first stubby. Replace cap. Drink beer.
4) above as many times as you wish.
5) Add one tablespoon of dry malt to one cup of water, boil for 3 minutes, allow to cool to under 30C. I judge this with my hand. If it feels warm it's too hot.
6) Add to stubby, replace cap, shake like mad to aerate the "wort".
7) Shake occassionally over the next day or so. Keep stubby in war place (on top of my fridge in the house works for me).
The Coopers yeast will develop a head when it takes off. I recently did a Little Creatures one which didn't develop a head but really frothed up when shaken. Release cap occasionally to release pressure.
9) Add to brew. Let it alone for a day or so, don't be too tempted to check it because it will probably take a bit longer to fire up than a packet yeast.
10) After bottling brew, take a couple of Vegemite jars of the sediment, store in fridge, and throw in next brew. They'll fire up quicker because there is more of it.