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PostPosted: Thursday Aug 03, 2006 2:58 pm
by blandy
OK, Just checking... :D

Re: Smooooth Milk Stout

PostPosted: Saturday Sep 17, 2011 2:47 pm
by weggl
Oliver, your Dragon Stout recipe does not give the volume, is it 23L?

Re: Smooooth Milk Stout

PostPosted: Thursday Oct 27, 2011 11:30 am
by Oliver
Hi Weggl,

As per brewing notes: "Topped up to 20 litres (to give a total of 25 bottles)."

(This wasn't a milk stout though, if that's what you're looking for.)



Re: Smooooth Milk Stout

PostPosted: Sunday Jul 01, 2012 8:24 pm
by bilgerat
I have just put a milk stout into the fermenter last night using bkmads recipe
3kg ESB stout kit (I used 2 Coopers Irish Stout kits)
200g crystal grain
300g wheat malt
250g lactose
20g Goldings

I checked the OG and found it to be 1026 which seemed a bit on the low side however its bubbling away nicely then it dawned on me this morning that the grains I used were not cracked :oops: so what the bloody hell can I do about it now, :cry: is it too late to bung in some concentrated dextrose/sugar ?? any suggestions appreciated.

Re: Smooooth Milk Stout

PostPosted: Monday Jul 02, 2012 5:25 pm
by emnpaul
Your OG seems a bit low for those ingredients Bilgerat. Can you tell us what your final volume is?

Too late for cracking the grains now so you'll have to consign that one to experience. In any event I would be hesitant to add any dextrose to a low OG stout but you might get away witha small amount depending on the accuracy of your OG reading. If it were me I'd go for a tin of good quality malt extract or even a tin of Coopers lager depending on how well resourced you are.

Even so, a volume would be handy.

You can calculate most anything to do with brewing using Brewmate. It's free to download so go nuts. Alternatively tap Brewcraft Calculator into Google and you'll get a briefer, more user friendly version.

Re: Smooooth Milk Stout

PostPosted: Monday Jul 02, 2012 9:37 pm
by bilgerat
Thanks for your response , the Volume is 23 litres, I ended up dissolving a 1Kg bag of extra dry wheat malt that I had laying around in a litre of hot water, allowed it to cool and bunged it in the fermenter, I guess time will tell on this one, I was in too much of a rush on Saturday and forgot about cracking the grains.
On the plus side I made an AG Dr S Golden Ale today that went well.


Smooooth Milk Stout

PostPosted: Tuesday Jul 03, 2012 12:48 pm
by bullfrog
Think you may have made yourself a headbanger, mate. 1.026 can't have been accurate for 2 tins of goop in 23L. I'm sure it'll still turn out well, but with that extra malt in there, I'd drink it with caution as it'll probably get you very drunk very quickly!