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Does this recipe sound right?

PostPosted: Monday Apr 04, 2011 6:21 pm
by sentfromspain
Some friends and I are going to try our first homebrew, and we wanted to know if this recipe sounded correct:

-Bring 7 liters of water to a boil in a stainless steel pot.

-add 1.5 kilograms of malt extract and 15 grams of hops at the start of the boil, and 15 grams of hops 15 minutes from the end of the boil with 150 grams brown sugar. Total boil time, 1 hour.

-cool the pot until it reaches room temperature, adding water to bring the mix up to 10 liters.

-move the contents of the pot to a fermenting container adding 11.5 grams of diluted safale s-04 yeast.

-let sit for 2 weeks. Keep the fermentation container loosely covered (to allow gas to escape).

-siphon the contents to the bottling container, mixing in 50 grams of brown sugar which had been boiled/dissolved in water (or half a teaspoon for each bottle).

-bottle and wait for 2 weeks

Considering we know the basics of home brewing, and that we have the proper means of making the mash and wort, the proper containers, and the proper sanitation, does this recipe sound alright for a 2.5 gallon batch? We know that brown sugar is not very common for making beer, but generally people who have used it say it gives good results. Any recommendations for improving it?
Keep in mind that we don't have access to any kits (you can't get them in southern spain very easily), and so the hops we have are generic hops that we bought from a natural foods shop (the malt extract as well).

Re: Does this recipe sound right?

PostPosted: Monday Apr 04, 2011 8:28 pm
by jords
Hi mate

I'm no expert but that recipe looks fine to me. You will definately come out with beer at the end!

Its hard to judge what it'll taste like without knowing what the hops are and their AA%, but I wouldn't worry too much about that just yet.

Good to hear people all over getting the bug!

On a side note, when I was in italy over christmas I saw australian coopers home brew kits available in the supermarket. If you have a hunt online you might be able to find a company that would mail them to you. I guess it depends on what you're after but it is another option.

Good luck, let us know how it goes.
