Hops type in ESB Bavarian Wheat?

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Hops type in ESB Bavarian Wheat?

Postby James L » Tuesday Jul 10, 2007 4:37 pm


I used a ESB bavarian wheat kit to make a weissen, and was going to try to make another with a a Brewcraft bavarian wheat kit and some liquid wheat malt, The only thing i was wondering was, does anyone know what type of hops they use in the ESB kit, so i can include it in my new brew?

Also, any suggestions for specialty grains/ammounts to make it into a dunkelweissen (23L)?

I was thinking:
300g Cara aroma,
50g Chocolate
100g Crystal
50g Melanoidian


I freely admit that I was Very Very Drunk....
"They speak of my drinking, but never consider my thirst."
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James L
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