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Crystal addition to 'hoegarrden' style

PostPosted: Saturday Apr 10, 2010 6:39 pm
by hyjak
Hello fellow brewers,
i am just working out my next brew and am going for an hoegarrden style wheat beer.
When talking to the home brew store i was steered towards the following:

Morgans Golden Sheaf Wheat kit
500gms dex
500gms LDM
250gm wheat malt
15gms coriander
zest of 2-3 oranges

Now they said it is how they make their own beer, sometimes swapping the Morgans for a Black Rock Wheat kit.
I was thinking of upping the wheat malt to 300-350gm, the coriander to 25-30gms adding maybe 250-300gm crystal malt and dry hopping 25gms of Saaz a week into the ferment.

I have read the recipe on here and i quite like the look of it but i'm just keeping the first try of this simple.
Appreciate any feedback you have.

Re: Crystal addition to 'hoegarrden' style

PostPosted: Monday Apr 12, 2010 12:43 pm
by timmy

I'd steer clear of the crystal additions if I were you. It's totally out of style and I reckon would ruin the flavour (not to mention the colour).

The best suggestion I could give is to use a proper wit yeast if you can get it. I've used the Wyeast one (#3944) and it comes out very nice.



Re: Crystal addition to 'hoegarrden' style

PostPosted: Monday Apr 12, 2010 6:47 pm
by hyjak
duly noted, 'no crystal'

Re: Crystal addition to 'hoegarrden' style

PostPosted: Monday Apr 12, 2010 10:11 pm
by Bizier
Yeah, I agree with the crystal, it is a pretty dry beer.

If you are feeling adventurous, I would say a partial mash using raw wheat (even flour) and rolled oats with some Galaxy malt or similar base malt.

The yeast will give you a big improvement.