Exactly the same set up as a temp mate,
Wiring is easy, just make sure every thing is insulated from each other & surrounding cover. (I used a Tupperware container)
Essientially all it is, is that you are bringing a power source into the unit to make it operate the two switches (heat & cold)
the power does not go in the unit & come out at these switches.
You set it up so you have a constant connection to both out let leads (I have mine with female 3 pin plugs on them) of both Neutral (blue or black) & earth (green & yellow) then run the Active (brown or red) in one side of the switch & out the other to your out let lead with the Neutral & Earth as normal.
So the tempmate is only interupting the supply to the Active on each outlet lead. (which you plug your heater or cooler into).
It is basically the same thing as doing it with DC current except there is an Earth as well, think of it as if the blue is negative & the brown is positive.
just make sure you get the Active & neutral the right way around when you put the female on the end of the lead, every female end Ivé ever bought has had it written on them.
This may be of help
http://www.accesscomms.com.au/reference/powerplug.htmThe supplies are best wired into a manifold block (or terminal block) for simplicity so you are only really teeÃng off them as in the pic attached.
Hope this helps. mick.