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Secondary Fermentation

PostPosted: Thursday Nov 29, 2012 6:38 am
by AJ_Rowley
Hi all, just a question about secondary Fermentation.

I've been looking on the internet about this and they all say the same. I don't have a carboy but was wondering if I could use my 30l bucket for secondary fermentation?

Cheers in advance for any replies

Re: Secondary Fermentation

PostPosted: Thursday Nov 29, 2012 7:49 am
by Bum
What is the same thing that they all seem to say? My experience is that secondary fermentation is a polarising topic.

If by "bucket" you mean some plastic vessel that would be suitable for primary then it will be fine for secondary unless you want a really long secondary (as in over six months or so).

In most cases secondary is not really essential. What's your reason for doing one?

Re: Secondary Fermentation

PostPosted: Thursday Nov 29, 2012 2:53 pm
by warra48
I've given up on transferring my brews to another vessel before bottling.
I even lager in the primary fermenter before bottling.

No point in racking your brew, unless you have a specific and good reason to do so. As Bum said, "What's your reason for doing one?"
Reading about it on the internet is NOT a good reason.

See, it's easy to polarise things by coming out with a strong view aimed in one direction.

Re: Secondary Fermentation

PostPosted: Friday Nov 30, 2012 7:02 am
by Chris2012
So would a racking vessel essentially be the same as a brightening tank that professional breweries use ?

Re: Secondary Fermentation

PostPosted: Friday Nov 30, 2012 8:06 am
by Bum
My understanding is that a bright tank is usually used to hold filtered (i.e. bright) beer.