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Mangrove Jacks Craft Series Yeast

PostPosted: Friday Jun 28, 2013 11:40 am
by Planner
Yesterday while in the LHBS getting some LDME, the owner showed me the range of Mangrove Jacks yeast that he now stocks. He doesn't keep any liquid yeasts, so this extra range of dried stuff will be a bonus if it's any good. I bought a "British Ale" and a "US West Coast" to try. My hope is that they are similar to the Fermentis ones (S-04 & US-05 )that I have to mail order or travel to Melb to get.

Over the next few weeks I will brew with them and post results.


Re: Mangrove Jacks Craft Series Yeast

PostPosted: Friday Jun 28, 2013 1:08 pm
by Oliver
It seems like it's a NZ outfit.

They've certainly got a good variety of yeast considering they are all dried. ... ies-yeasts

There's a full description and specification of each of the yeasts here (pdf).

I'll be interested to hear how you go, Planner.



Re: Mangrove Jacks Craft Series Yeast

PostPosted: Friday Jun 28, 2013 2:03 pm
by Planner

I had already looked at their website, thanks for the PDF, I hadn't seen that before.
Thinking I might get a satchet of the Burton Union to try as well.
Will let you know how they go, might be a few weeks as both fermenters are occupied.


Re: Mangrove Jacks Craft Series Yeast

PostPosted: Friday Jun 28, 2013 6:19 pm
by earle
I bottled a brew last weekend that I used the mangrove jacks burton union yeast in. Taste tests to commence sometime soon I hope. A brewer that I know that now works at the lhbs reckons it could be like wy1469 West Yorkshire from the description. Time will tell is suppose.

Re: Mangrove Jacks Craft Series Yeast

PostPosted: Saturday Aug 17, 2013 5:35 pm
by emnpaul
My LHBS now has these in stock too. Really quite an impressive variety. I didn't buy any as I've just pitched an IPA with US-05 but I'm really keen to try out some of the English strains, particularly the Burton Union.

Any updates fellas?

Re: Mangrove Jacks Craft Series Yeast

PostPosted: Monday Aug 19, 2013 3:10 pm
by earle
I used the burton union at 20c, very big on esters. Might be ok at lower temp but will probably be a while before I'm teted to use it again.