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Lower temperature?

PostPosted: Friday Jul 25, 2014 6:01 pm
by Awol71
Do you get the same effect from brewing a bit under temperature as brewing a bit over?
I've been using SO4 and US05 yeasts. Pitching between 20-22C. After a day or two in the shed, it's dropping and sitting at about 15-16C. Does that make much of a difference to the flavour? I had a problem with a bit over- temp last year. I've got to get a years worth done over winter here. I've only tasted the first two which used the coopers kit yeast.

Re: Lower temperature?

PostPosted: Saturday Jul 26, 2014 2:20 pm
by Oliver
Hi mate,

Temperature will make a big difference.

With the yeasts you're using, at the lower end of the scale you'll produce a beer with a much crisper flavour that contains less influence from the yeast. If you ferment at 20-22C you will get lots of fruity flavours from the yeast.

Unless you're brewing something that specifically calls for a high temperature, don't ferment ales above 22C otherwise the yeast will start producing undesirable flavours and your beer won't be as good as if you'd kept it at lower temperatures when fermenting.

The other thing you should aim for is a fairly consistent temperature. If you're brewing in a shed, wrapping the fermenter in a blanket will help reduce fluctuations and also keep in some of the heat generated during fermentation and therefore keep the fermenting beer a bit warmer.

Hope this helps.



Re: Lower temperature?

PostPosted: Saturday Jul 26, 2014 7:43 pm
by jello

With my first ever brew, the temperature sky-rocketed outside to the high 30s and the brew fermented out in a couple of days. That was my first brew and the last time I ever brewed without temperature control.

I picked up my latest brew fridge for $0 off the side of the road.

Re: Lower temperature?

PostPosted: Saturday Jul 26, 2014 10:34 pm
by Awol71
I had a test of the others today. They're all pretty good. The temps consistent. I wrap the fermenters with a roll of bubble wrap, then a couple of blankets. I've got an old fermenter still with the thermometer on I fill with water to keep an eye on temps and consistency. While the sun is not on the shed it doesn't move at all. Got about 2 weeks before it does again so hopefully it'll all be done.

Re: Lower temperature?

PostPosted: Monday Aug 04, 2014 6:32 am
by Oliver
I have split off the question about a heady stout here.

