I need some help with what to do about my lager
I did a Dutch lager kit( 500g LDM/500 Malto-Dextrin, hops and lager yeast)
It fermented @ 16-18 degrees for 5 days. When sg was 1020 (og 1036) I put it in my fridge and brought the temp down to 0-1 degrees over a 2 days. Been in 3 weeks sg= 1016(@ 1 degree)
I'm now led to believe I should have 1. let it ferment right out and given it a ?rest before putting it in the fridge and 2. brought the temp down much slower and 3. learnt a bit more about it before starting
My question is should I let it come back up to normal temp for a while before bottling to make sure it has finished fermenting and do the bottles get a week at room temp or the lager yeast temp ??10-14degrees?? to start secondary? and do bottles get stored cold (in fridge) or stored like an ale? to finish secondary.
Do you think it can be saved ?
Any thoughts appreciated, thanks.
P.S. Pride prevents me from tipping it out