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New micro brewer

PostPosted: Thursday Dec 13, 2007 6:10 pm
by daz
Reading the local rag, Bellarine Estate (which produces a range of choice plonk) has now launched four new products into the micro-brewed market. According to the press release, this is "beer with attitude, perfect for the first time drinker whilst the mature palate of a seasoned connoisseur will be more than impressed" They have produced: The Queenscliff Ale, Bellarine Bitter, The Heads Ale and Lonsdale Lager, and are now on sale to the public. Further brews , apparently, are planned, with more ale's, pilsener's and a stout in the pipe works. I haven't as yet sampled any or know what price it fetch's (and i ain't no way connected with em) but i find emmensly interesting an award winning winery is now throwing it's hand into brewing. If youre down this way, there's free tasting, perhap's Greg can do a field trip ? When my missus let's me, i'll post whatever i encounter, this will be interesting, we ain't had a good beer brewed this side of melb since Ballarat Bitter was swamped by CUB :(