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Re: What are you drinking now?

PostPosted: Tuesday Dec 29, 2009 9:43 pm
by Bum
Was given a box of CPA today. So I'm drinking that and will be for the near future.

Look. I just don't get this beer's reputation. Is it better than the average megaswill? Yes. Is it far removed from the average megaswill? No.

Re: What are you drinking now?

PostPosted: Tuesday Dec 29, 2009 10:00 pm
by Bizier
My Swapfen Weiss... was supposed to be in the footsteps of the mighty Schneider Brooklyner Hopfen Weiss of 2009... but it is far far from the mark. Drinkable, but not what I was after. I would prefer this beer if I did not brew it myself. I have a Stone/Brewdog Bashah and a Cantillon Kriek amongst the things in the fridge that are calling me but I must be strong.

Bum, I am a sparkling man through and through. I think since the ABV of CPA dropped, it is far less appealing, but (in my appraisal of the situation) this has helped Coopers spread the drop (and thus the Coopers name) in the manner that they have with the help of reduced excise.

Re: What are you drinking now?

PostPosted: Thursday Dec 31, 2009 9:26 pm
by Bum
I didn't think I could possibly ever be happy with a $38 beer but it turns out I was wrong.

Rogue's XS IIPA is a tremendous beer. Terrific aroma. Massive yet smooth bitterness up front giving way to huge hops then bitterness coming back to remind you what's what. Warm alc without becoming unpleasant. A terrific balancing act for such a big beer (75IBU, 9.5%).

Shame about the price, but. New NYE tradition?

Re: What are you drinking now?

PostPosted: Friday Jan 01, 2010 8:02 pm
by Bum
Then: Jamieson Pale Ale - Very nice beer. I'd like a bit more in the aroma but that aside this is a very sessionable beer.

Now: Rogue Hazelnut Brown Nectar - I'm not feeling this. Anyone want half a bottle?

Re: What are you drinking now?

PostPosted: Friday Jan 01, 2010 10:30 pm
by wrighty
Just cracked my first bottle of SNPA my debut ag.
Early days but showing great promise another few weeks in the bot should smooth out some of the hop bite.
Aroma is awsome,nice lacing head just has a young taste.Patience grasshopper. :?
Did get a fair bit of haze a shite into the kettle from my sparge and will organise things now i have a better setup.

Re: What are you drinking now?

PostPosted: Saturday Jan 02, 2010 7:54 pm
by Bum
Then: Saranac IPA. Tastes like a young Coopers Larger tin with lots of late Cascade. Pretty yuck.

Now: Rogue Smoke Ale. I got this because I couldn't find Aecht Schlenkerla Rauchbier (a beer I love to bits). This beer tastes like a peppery bushfire. Do not want.

Re: What are you drinking now?

PostPosted: Sunday Jan 03, 2010 5:25 pm
by Bum
3 Ravens Dark Smoke Beer - Much better than the Rogue mentioned above. Still pretty far away from being in the same league as the Schlenkerla Rauchbier Urbock though. Feels like it is maybe an attempt to make the style a little more sessionable? Smooth but somewhat muted smokiness and very feint meatiness underneath (not quite the bacon I'd like to see). Seems like a good entry point to the style if you're interested yet still a bit scared.

Re: What are you drinking now?

PostPosted: Sunday Jan 03, 2010 5:57 pm
by timmy
My Nelson Sauvin lager......

Made an AG version this time. Still not as good as the original (viewtopic.php?f=11&t=7991)

Re: What are you drinking now?

PostPosted: Sunday Jan 03, 2010 6:13 pm
by Bum
Meantime London Elderflower Maibock - I dunno. The malt seems slightly harsh somehow. The bitterness is very harsh (though not overly bitter in and of itself). Muted aroma. Possibly too dry for me (or maybe just over-carbed?).

Re: What are you drinking now?

PostPosted: Tuesday Jan 05, 2010 9:15 pm
by JetFoley
Low Carb Bitter. Tastes kinda metalic... b4 i started filtering my brew water 1st

Re: What are you drinking now?

PostPosted: Saturday Feb 06, 2010 2:59 pm
by Will
Mad Brewers Orchard Ale... perfect drop for this disgustingly hot day.

Re: What are you drinking now?

PostPosted: Monday Mar 08, 2010 6:13 pm
by Bum
Nogne O #100 - Sweet, malty aroma, little hops. Deep, deep ruby colour - almost black. The flavour is a bit too complex for me to describe to be honest - bit malt, big hops, warm alc, acrid roastiness but amazingly well balanced between all these characteristics. Very nice beer.

Re: What are you drinking now?

PostPosted: Monday Mar 08, 2010 8:31 pm
by warra48
Just finished a bottle of Baltic Porter.

It was from a group brew, and all the various brews were blended by adding them together in a wine vat, and aged for about 2 to 3 years in the vat. It was then bottled or kegged, and some yeast added to the bottle to help it carbonate. I have aged it in the bottle myself for close to another year.

As soon as I pulled the cork from the champagne style bottle, the aroma jumped out at me. It was like being hit between the eyes with masses of aromas of fruits, chocolate, raisins, coffee, fruit cake, etc etc. The flavour was just as complex. Very little bitterness, and no discernable hop aroma or flavour. It drank like a concentrated liquor of a sweet porter. Some alcohol warmth was obvious, but very smooth. Absolutely marvellous, unlike anything I'd ever tasted. The most unbeer like beer I've ever had the pleasure of sipping. Definitely not a session beer.

I imagine it must be something like the millenium ale of our forum hosts.

With thanks to Mark from Marks Home Brew in Newcastle, who kindly donated the bottle to me early last year.

Re: What are you drinking now?

PostPosted: Tuesday Mar 09, 2010 9:40 pm
by Bum
Rogue First Harvest Wet Hop Ale - Quite restrained for Rogue but still might be challenging for non APA fans. Lingering bitterness, pine/resin dominates hop profile. A little breadiness and caramel underneath. Decent beer.

Re: What are you drinking now?

PostPosted: Wednesday Mar 10, 2010 6:03 pm
by Bum
Schlenkerla Rauchbier - This is the second bottle of this I have ever had. After the first I was head over heels in love. Obsessed over this beer for months. Finally got my hands on another bottle (3 more, actually!) and I have been worrying I might have built it up too much in my head in the intervening months. Nope. Liquid gold. Smokey bacon, light but firm bitterness and a finish that lasts for weeks. This beer is amazing. I'm planning on putting a rauch down some time this year (once I get my AG chops together) - if I can make a beer that is 10% of this one I will be over the moon.

Re: What are you drinking now?

PostPosted: Wednesday Mar 10, 2010 7:19 pm
by Bum
Bugger. The above makes the hitherto okay extract APA I'm drinking taste like glue.

Re: What are you drinking now?

PostPosted: Wednesday Mar 10, 2010 7:46 pm
by Trough Lolly
Just working my way through my second last sixpack of real SNPA!! 8)

Re: What are you drinking now?

PostPosted: Thursday Mar 11, 2010 6:15 pm
by Bum
The Schlenkerla mentioned above was their Urbock. Right now I'm drinking their Weizen. Could not be a more different beer. In fact, this is the worst uninfected beer I have ever drunk (and worse than some infected ones). Awful.

Re: What are you drinking now?

PostPosted: Saturday Mar 13, 2010 10:36 am
by Chrisp
Picked up an assortment from the bottle'o A Barons- Black Wattle Original Ale (Smoky , got better with every mouthful).Prickly Mosses Red ale & Summer Ale ( Both very easy to drink) But the hero for me was the, White Rabbit Dark Ale, which is Brewed in open fermenters. Not overly familiar with dark ales but seems hoppier than i would expect. All in all if it was'nt the best beer i'v had, it certainly seemed it at the time.
Got home after stinking hot & hard day at work & cracked my first weat/ wite HB after two months in the bottle. Got to say i love it when a plane comes together (lovely).
Tonight for birthday got a box of JSGA and a Coopers vintage Ale to try. Should be good.
Cheers Crisp

Re: What are you drinking now?

PostPosted: Saturday Mar 13, 2010 2:50 pm
by Bum
First taster from my most recent ginger beer. Still a bit early (only two weeks old) but showing great promise. Shame I only put one in the fridge really.