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PostPosted: Thursday May 22, 2008 10:30 am
by James L
G'day all,

I went to the grand opening on the new Nookenburra (nookie) liquor store on Leige St yesterday and i shat myself when i realised that they had SNPA on the shelf. 6 dollars a bottle, or 62 for 12. I thought it was a little rich, but i had to get one to see what all the fuss is about.

It seems that it is being imported by a small company in WA called Vinimpex. They might be worth contacting to see whether they distribute to the other states.

I havent tasted it yet...I had just downed a pint of LCPA in the car on the way there, so i wanted to wait till i had a clean palate before the big taste. By the way, the seatbelt buckle is one of the best bottle openers in the world... I must also point out that i was not driving...

Re: SNPA in WA.

PostPosted: Thursday May 22, 2008 10:36 am
by rwh
:shock: I've got a mate going to the US who's promised to bring me back a bottle of SNPA, but if he doesn't come through I'll definitely be contacting these guys. w00t! :)

Re: SNPA in WA.

PostPosted: Thursday May 22, 2008 10:43 am
by James L
I was very suprised considering i had contacted the brewery in the US, and they said that they weren't exporting to Australia.

On the topic of mates getting beers from the US, i have someone hopefully getting me a bottle of the Stone Brewing Co. "Arrogant Bastard Ale".. I just hope i'm worthy...

Re: SNPA in WA.

PostPosted: Thursday May 22, 2008 11:00 am
by drsmurto
Tasted the Arrogant Bastard and the double bastard at a BBC meeting early in the year. Subtle isnt a word i could use to describe this beer!

Re: SNPA in WA.

PostPosted: Thursday May 22, 2008 1:29 pm
by Boonie
For Sydney people.........

They also send it to Northmead Cellars and Balmain Cellars just to name a couple.

No, I am not psychic, nor do I live near there.......I rang them to see if they sent any to Newcastle :D .

Nice fellow actually......I think he was British.



Re: SNPA in WA.

PostPosted: Thursday May 22, 2008 5:07 pm
by Kevnlis
I had heard rumours about it, but never a confirmed sighting.

Evidently it is imported from the UK, which is currently the only place Sierra Nevada are exporting to.

It is supposed to be kept below 4C at all times, which is why they export so little of it (not to mention they have no problem selling all they can produce locally).

I wonder how they can sell it so cheap though, perhaps it was not sent here in refrigerated storage?

Re: SNPA in WA.

PostPosted: Thursday May 22, 2008 5:46 pm
by James L
Well i called the mob to find out what else they import from the US... he said nothing... and then he told me about the other beers they import, and the majority were from great britain. So that stacks up with your idea Kev.

I dont think it would've been refridgerated either.. as all the other beers he mentioned were mass produced ones not requiring any cooling during transport.

Re: SNPA in WA.

PostPosted: Friday May 23, 2008 1:36 pm
by rwh
So basically this is the same kind of grey importing that was happening a few years back. I wonder how long it'll take for the brewery to catch wind of it and shut it down.

Re: SNPA in WA.

PostPosted: Friday May 23, 2008 10:54 pm
by KEG
i'm *fairly* sure I saw Arrogant Bastard at Grain and Grape one time.