What are your favourite beers?

The good, the bad and the ugly of commercial beer and breweries, including microbreweries and craft breweries.

What are your favourite beers?

Postby morry » Tuesday Sep 14, 2004 9:15 pm

Thought it would be interesting to see what beers people enjoy the most. A couple of my favourites are goat pale ale, grand ridge blonde, paulaner munchen and kilkenny!
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Postby Oliver » Thursday Sep 16, 2004 4:46 pm

Interesting question.

I'd put high on my list any Cooper's, Pilsner Urquell, Mountain Goat, Little Creatures pale ale, many German wheat beers, Heogaarden and many Belgian beers, particularly Chimay.


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Postby Dogger Dan » Thursday Sep 16, 2004 9:15 pm

I am partial to a local micro called Brick Amber Dry.

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Postby Benji » Friday Sep 17, 2004 12:01 pm

I would have to say that my favourite beers would be Lowenbrau (at oktoberfest only, not in a bottle), pilsner urquell, Coopers vintage (when i can afford it) and after a trip to the belgium bar in Brisbane big fan of Leffe.



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The nectar

Postby sago » Friday Sep 17, 2004 3:31 pm

Strange that in passing the half century that the compatriots of similar vintage and I would prefer Tooheys Old(Black) as a beverage whilst at the pub or club.I reckon this is because its a gentle beer and doesn't give you a hangover.In fact you have to guzzle a bucketful before you even get the wobbly boot on.This is especially useful when going to the Club with the missus and friends.
I'm heavily involved with the local rugby club and we now stock Old in the cans.It's not that easy to get any more in can form(We have a no glass policy at the ground) and for a while I had to drink VB.It tasted alright after about ten cans, but has an aftertaste like festered sheeps bowels and is bad on the head next day.
I like a six pack of Coopers Sparkling as an aperitif if I don't have enough home brew chilled.
You may consider me a heretic to be burned at the stake but
I really don't mind Crown lager especially to accompany a meal whilst dining out.I am not a great fan of wine as it gives me the shivers in the kidney region.
Originating in Derbyshire ,England many moons ago and travelling extensively before being shackled I have partaken in beverages from all compass points.I found that you could get used to any beer provided you were dedicated to the cause.I think Fourex would be a challenge.
Wheat beer must be an aquired taste!!!!Didn't mind the Molsons (Dogger Dan) as I have been to St. Catherines a couple of times on business.
Isn't it good to be a pisshead????What a rewarding hobby we enjoy.
The weather is warming up and it's half an hour until knock off time,its Friday and I can detect a dry tickle in the back of my throat that will assuredly be assuaged by a cleansing ale or ten this evening.
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Postby Dogger Dan » Friday Sep 17, 2004 9:01 pm


I get the glorious oppertunity to stick a new roof on the house so no suds for me

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Postby thehipone » Friday Oct 15, 2004 1:41 pm

Ok, here's a sub-question:

What's your favorite value-for-money beer?
I guess what I'm after is what is the chepaest brew that is still really good?
Belgian beers may be great, but they cost an arm and a leg.

I'm kinda partial to melbourne bitter. I know its a cousin of VB, but its hopping rate is high enough that it is actually bitter and has some flavor.

What are some of your guys' favorite cheapies?
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Postby Marty » Friday Oct 15, 2004 2:15 pm

I'd agree with Melbourne. It actually has flavour. It's quite a rough tasting beer (nothing subtle about it) but drink it cold and it's certainly (IMHO) the best of the CUB mainstream beers.

As far as favourite beers go I love the Coopers Best Extra Stout. So rich, perfect on cold winters night (or anytime really).
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Postby db » Friday Oct 15, 2004 2:40 pm


MB was my fav until i started brewing.. didn't mind the odd carlton draught either.
but recently i've been lashing out on squires - porter, pilsner, ipa.. theyre all good. :D
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Postby Dogger Dan » Friday Oct 15, 2004 9:24 pm

Whatever happens to be in the neighbours fridge. Can't beat free and since you get what you pay for you can never be disappointed

"Listening to someone who brews their own beer is like listening to a religous fanatic talk about the day he saw the light" Ross Murray, Montreal Gazette
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Postby Oliver » Sunday Oct 17, 2004 9:53 am

Melbourne Bitter gets my vote also. If I was living in South Australia I''d probably say Cooper's Draught, but you can't get that readily here in Melbourne.

Of course, the ultimate value-for-money beer is homebrew!


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Postby grabman » Sunday Oct 17, 2004 10:52 am

I'm with db, you can't go past the Squires range, my favourite being the amber ale. Damn good drop, very relaxing and easy to drink and no horrible head the next morning if one over-indulges :lol:
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Postby db » Monday Oct 18, 2004 10:22 am

yeah the amber aint too bad.. but not really hoppy enough for my liking (still a great beer tho) the ipa would have to be my fav..
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Postby Matty » Thursday Oct 28, 2004 12:33 am

My current fave would have to be Hoegaarden.

As far as value for money in cheapie beers, I don't mind Amsterdam Mariner for $30 or Amstel for $31. Both nice and tastey IMHO.


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Postby Andy » Monday Nov 01, 2004 8:38 am

I find that good local breweries produce the least comercial tasting comercial beer. I'm lucky to have the nearby Ringwood brewery supplying some of my local pubs and their Fortyniner is a good session ale.
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Postby thehipone » Monday Nov 01, 2004 9:50 am

Yeah, the local microbreweries do make some solid products, the problem is you can't get them outside a couple hundred km radius of the brewery without significant difficulty. They tend to be more exotic and homebrew-like.
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fave beers

Postby triumph » Friday Dec 03, 2004 4:33 pm

would have to be the most recent dogbolter for when i am feeling like a beer to savour, squires golden ale when i feel like 6 or 7 in a row, and geelong draught when i am simply feeling proletariat. import favourite would be sleemans honey brown lager from guelph, ontario. can only get in when the in laws come over!
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Postby Dogger Dan » Friday Dec 03, 2004 10:12 pm


Goes skunky in 4 hours, they forgot to put it in a brown bottle. Ask the in Laws to bring over some Creemore Springs or some Brick Amber next time, you will see the difference of a well made beer.


PS I live about 40 mins from the Sleemans Brewery. Truly a POS.

Just MHO.
"Listening to someone who brews their own beer is like listening to a religous fanatic talk about the day he saw the light" Ross Murray, Montreal Gazette
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Postby Paleman » Saturday Dec 04, 2004 4:14 pm

My favourite beers always have been, always will be Coopers Stout, Sparkling and Pale Ales.

Not necessarily in that order. Favourite of the favs is Coopers Pale on pub tap !!
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Postby gregb » Saturday Dec 04, 2004 5:25 pm

Yeah, for the 'Beer you buy' Category, Pale on tap at the pub is hard to dislodge form top of the list.


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