Trough Lolly's Sierra Nevada Pale Ale Clone

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Re: Trough Lolly's Sierra Nevada Pale Ale Clone

Postby Trough Lolly » Thursday Aug 20, 2009 9:55 pm

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Re: Trough Lolly's Sierra Nevada Pale Ale Clone

Postby Bum » Saturday Dec 12, 2009 9:51 pm

TL (or anyone else for that matter) have you ever compared your version to the well regarded Northern Brewer version (post 4 here:

I have read this thread before but not since finding the above recipe. Sorry if I'm re-hashing an old discussion.
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Re: Trough Lolly's Sierra Nevada Pale Ale Clone

Postby Trough Lolly » Tuesday Dec 15, 2009 10:10 pm

Yep, I've seen that recipe and some of it looks good and other bits are a bit of a concern...

I rarely use more than 5% as crystal or cara malts in an APA grist especially if I'm using a "darker" base malt such as MO.

I agree that Magnum is more like the real thing - and possibly Perle too but I don't know about holding back the Cascade for the last 10 minutes of the boil.

There is another issue that recipes simply can't cater for and thats the subtle variation in flavour profile over the years that beers such as this have. I have been enjoying this beer on and off over a number of years and I can swear that it has slightly changed - possibly due to subtle changes to the hops flavour profile as different crops of flowers are used, grain variations etc. Sure, they're not huge but I'm sure they're there...

Anyway, brew both and do a side by side comparison with a bottle of the real thing as the control!

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Re: Trough Lolly's Sierra Nevada Pale Ale Clone

Postby wrighty » Tuesday Dec 15, 2009 10:40 pm

Hi T.L.
Put this down as my first A.G. 2 Days ago . First use of Chinook for me that mixed with the Amarrillo and Cascade taste awsome from the hydro tube.
Yet to use N.B or perle. Note the hop changes you talk of the aas of the hops in your original recipie compared to this latest are some 2 points higher.
But man they are fresh, had to have a nibble like an overgrown rodent
Thanks for the recipe.Just got to nail my efficiency a bit .
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Re: Trough Lolly's Sierra Nevada Pale Ale Clone

Postby Bum » Tuesday Dec 15, 2009 10:50 pm

TL, there is quite a bit of discussion in the thread linked about the amount of crystal. Many have the same opinion as you do and the guy responsible for the recipe swears SN themselves suggest it is correct (yes, I know. many people swear many things are true - especially on the internet) but most people who brew it end up agreeing that it is in the ballpark - however, I know I sometimes think my decent beers are a little better than they actually are and perhaps most people are no different.

I agree completely with your point on flavour profile variations. Especially with beers of this style.

I will get around to a side by side one day (too many beers to try to be brewing the same one twice in a row right now) but not sure I'll use a locally purchased commercial example as the control - to be honest I've only had one great one - the rest of them have been treated pretty poorly before I got them. But that one was more than good enough to inspire me to lift my game to make something similar.

Thanks for your perspective on this. I appreciate it.
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Re: Trough Lolly's Sierra Nevada Pale Ale Clone

Postby Trough Lolly » Thursday Jul 22, 2010 8:25 pm

G'day all,
After a bit more experimenting, I've made some changes to my house SNPA recipe and after making a batch yesterday, that IMHO turned out pretty damn good, I thought I'd share it...

(All calcs from Promash)
Batch Size: 22L
OG: 1.050 (83% extraction efficiency)
FG: 1.012
IBU: 47.9
EBC: 14.4

3.8kg Marris Otter
250g Joe White Wheat
250g Simpsons Pale Crystal 40L

Boiled for 90 minutes (I extracted more than anticipated)! :oops:
Hops (Pellets)
20g US Magnum 14.40% A/A 60 mins to go
10g US Simcoe 12.20% A/A 15 mins to go
10g US Simcoe 12.20% A/A dry hopped

US-05 yeast

This batch is currently bubbling away at 15C and smells awesome! The hops were bought the day before brewday and are super fresh! The small addition of wheat was to promote head formation and retention. I have very few salts in my water so didn't have to do any modifications - this is quite a hoppy beer so I'd avoid using Gypsum unless you have to - the hops will become rather harsh if you add too much Gypsum.

Magnum is a nice clean bittering hop and allows the fresh Simcoe to really stand out in this beer. If you haven't used Simcoe before, do yourself a favour and buy some and try this beer - it's a perfect tonic for your Cascade-jaded palate!! :D


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Re: Trough Lolly's Sierra Nevada Pale Ale Clone

Postby hirns » Thursday Jul 22, 2010 9:35 pm

TL, congrats on the success. Can't wait for the taste report and more importantly, thanks for sharing your latest recipe:D !

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Re: Trough Lolly's Sierra Nevada Pale Ale Clone

Postby Trough Lolly » Thursday Jul 22, 2010 10:56 pm

Thanks Hirns - I plan on brewing another batch in 7 days - repitching onto the yeast cake - I only used 10g of US-05 for this batch so the next brew should kick off like a freight train without too much of an overpitch risk...The 15C ferment is slow but steady and I won't expect much in the way of esters...

The recipe will be identical except I'll use Chinook instead of Magnum for the bittering addition and I'll see how it goes.

BTW, has anyone used Millenium hops lately? I am really impressed with them in APA's but have seen next to no feedback on them.

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Re: Trough Lolly's Sierra Nevada Pale Ale Clone

Postby Neil » Sunday Aug 01, 2010 11:38 am

Trough Lolly wrote:Yep, I've seen that recipe and some of it looks good and other bits are a bit of a concern...

I rarely use more than 5% as crystal or cara malts in an APA grist especially if I'm using a "darker" base malt such as MO.

I agree that Magnum is more like the real thing - and possibly Perle too but I don't know about holding back the Cascade for the last 10 minutes of the boil.

There is another issue that recipes simply can't cater for and thats the subtle variation in flavour profile over the years that beers such as this have. I have been enjoying this beer on and off over a number of years and I can swear that it has slightly changed - possibly due to subtle changes to the hops flavour profile as different crops of flowers are used, grain variations etc. Sure, they're not huge but I'm sure they're there...

Anyway, brew both and do a side by side comparison with a bottle of the real thing as the control!


I know this is a rather late reply but I'd have to concur with TL's judgement here. I brewed the NB version last summer and was frankly disappointed. Just as TL predicted, the crystal is too much - the beer was too dark and sweet. And the hopping didn't work either. The Magnum tended to dominate the beer giving it a rather strong marmalade character and the Cascade went MIA. Of course, those results may have been down to my dodgy brewing techniques too :lol: . It was still a very drinkable beer, but nothing like a SNPA.
I still have some home grown Chinook flowers in the freezer so I can't wait to try the latest TL iteration of SNPA. Oh, better get some Simcoe first!
Sorry for the brownnosing TL!

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Re: Trough Lolly's Sierra Nevada Pale Ale Clone

Postby rotten » Sunday Jul 22, 2012 11:18 pm

I haven't brewed one of these for ages and I'm really looking forward to it. I know there's lots of variations but I'm going to start with this one.
Cheers Trough Lolly :D

Renmarkable SNPA (American Pale Ale)
Original Gravity (OG): 1.046 (°P): 11.4
Final Gravity (FG): 1.012 (°P): 3.1
Alcohol (ABV): 4.52 %
Colour (SRM): 10.1 (EBC): 19.9
Bitterness (IBU): 46.2 (Average)

85.71% Maris Otter Malt
7.14% Crystal 90
7.14% Wheat Malt

1.2 g/L Magnum (10% Alpha) @ 60 Minutes (Boil)
0.7 g/L Simcoe (13.5% Alpha) @ 15 Minutes (Boil)
0.7 g/L Simcoe (13.5% Alpha) @ 0 Days (Dry Hop)

Single step Infusion at 66°C for 60 Minutes. Boil for 60 Minutes
Fermented at 15°C with Wyeast 2112 - California Lager. Not US-05 I know
Recipe Generated with BrewMate
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Re: Trough Lolly's Sierra Nevada Pale Ale Clone

Postby big dave » Monday Jul 23, 2012 3:31 pm

Hey Rotten

Will you give this one a diacetyl rest? Lagering?

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Re: Trough Lolly's Sierra Nevada Pale Ale Clone

Postby rotten » Monday Jul 23, 2012 9:15 pm

It wil get a diacetyl rest to finish it off but not lagering as such. 2112 is a pseudo lager really if you ask me and has worked well for me in the past. I used to use US-05 for this but are more inclined to use liquid nowadays which is why 2112 was chosen.
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Re: Trough Lolly's Sierra Nevada Pale Ale Clone

Postby big dave » Tuesday Jul 24, 2012 9:22 am


I have a WY2112 lager of sorts lagering currently, with another beer pitched onto the slurry.
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