leftovers, what to do?

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leftovers, what to do?

Postby Chrisp » Friday Apr 16, 2010 10:37 pm

Okay my delema is this. I have roughly 250g of carapils, 150g of DWE, 25g Saaz, 10- 15g Cascade, box of BE2, and very soon to be a yeast cake of US-05 with some residual amerillo hops. Oh and among other things a can each of Coopers lager & blond. These are all left overs that i was planning on using. Then stupidly i started to think that the lightness of the bittering & flavours in the cans could be a little under done for winter drinking. So i went and aquiered a tin of east India pale ale, A tin of LLME-!.7kg which infact turned out to be a tin of blond LME 1.1kg and 25g amarillo to use in conjunction with the Carapils, DWE, & saaz. I have since found out that the tin of EIPA has an IBU of 18. My Question is do i have enough bitterness to counter the sweetness of the LME & DWE or should i just stick with the original idea. Sorry if i am just dribbling confusion.
Cheers Crisp
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