Sweet(ish) Stout

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Sweet(ish) Stout

Postby Fifey » Tuesday Nov 23, 2010 10:43 am

Hello chaps,
I'm interested in doing a sweetish stout at some stage, probably kit or extract + spec grains, but maybe partial mash depending on when I get around to it. Had a Sinha Stout the other day, quite nice, somewhat sweet, big on the dried fruit flavours, raisin etc. I'm not after a clone, but something in that field, the fruityness might have been a bit too much, and more coffee and chocolate would be my bag. Less bitter and astringent than the average stout as it could be a good one to win over my not-so-beery mates over to darker styles.
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Re: Sweet(ish) Stout

Postby chadjaja » Tuesday Nov 23, 2010 10:57 am

Back when I did kits everyone loved the cascade porter when paired with some steeped choc malt and fuggles/goldings hops. Added honey, liquid malt and s04 always ensured it ended up around the 1018 ish mark making it quite thick and sweet yet not too sweet.

I just did a full mash choc oatmeal stout and there is no reason I could think why you couldn't do a mini mash with oatmeal in it.
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Re: Sweet(ish) Stout

Postby rotten » Tuesday Nov 23, 2010 11:42 am

This is the only sweet stout I have done. It was great early, bit sweet although not over the top. It has matured a bit darker if that makes sense, the roast barley is more dominant.

1.5 kg LLME (50.85%)
0.5 kg DDME (16.95%)
0.4 kg Crystal med (13.56%)
0.3 kg Roast Barley (10.17%)
0.25 kg Amber malt (8.47%)

15 g Tett @ 60 min (4.6% AA)
15 g Perle @ 40 min (7.6% AA)
15 g Perle @ 10 min
15 g Amarillo @ 10 min (8.6% AA)
IBU 39.1
SRM 33.8
OG 1052
Make 16 ltr
US-05 yeast
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Re: Sweet(ish) Stout

Postby drsmurto » Tuesday Nov 23, 2010 1:23 pm

Sinha Stout is not a sweet stout, it is a Foreign Extra Stout.

Sinha Stout is 8% abv so all that extra malt is what you are tasting that seems sweet. I agree, it's a very nice stout.

If you want a stout that tastes sweet drop the bitterness and increase the % of crystal malts added.

As for turning your mates over to the dark side of beer have you made a dark ale or porter?
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Re: Sweet(ish) Stout

Postby Fifey » Tuesday Nov 23, 2010 1:49 pm

Haven't brewed for a few weeks as we didn't have a good place set up to cope with even the early spring weather, and I was waiting on some cashflow to get some bits and bobs. I've got my bloody pay from a job more than 6 months ago (and my group certificate) and new area to brew, so after I come back from Adelaide next week I'll have the rest of the bits for Wassa's Honey Porter. I dare say that will be a winner!

I should probably have been a bit more clear with the Sinha, it was more a "Wow! That's good, I could give X a go!" moment. I was thinking less than 6% ABV, although if I do make it higher it mightn't be drunk so quickly and so might get a chance to age...

I've already got some black grain and I've ordered some Carafa Spec II if that helps.
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