Anyone got a recipe for 4 Pines Extra Special Bitter?

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Anyone got a recipe for 4 Pines Extra Special Bitter?

Postby Flux » Wednesday Jul 16, 2014 3:42 pm

Well I had one of these last night liked it for a ESB.Wondering if anyone has a clone recipe for this awesome flavoured beer they wouldn't mind sharing?


The ingredients are there just wondering on amounts without experimenting

Thanks in advance.
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Joined: Friday Sep 23, 2011 3:32 am
Location: Perth, Western Australia

Re: Anyone got a recipe for 4 Pines Extra Special Bitter?

Postby Oliver » Thursday Jul 17, 2014 12:19 am

In the absence of any answers, I'm going to suggest the following grain bill based on the known ingredients and have it shouted down :-)

In my defence, should I need it, I am in a hotel room in Tokyo without access to Beersmith!

Forget the ale
90% Maris Otter
1% Dark crystal
4% Biscuit
1% Caramunich
4% Munich

Now I sit back and wait ...

FWIW, I make an excellent (if I do say so) bitter with a grain bill of 96% Maris Otter, 2% Simpson's dark crystal and 2% Simpson's medium crystal.

Don't overcomplicate things. Sometimes - if not usually - simple is best.

Let us know what you decide and how it goes.


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